Ambassador Joan Underwood


Ambassador Joan H. Underwood

Managing Director and Lead Consultant
Underwood Talent Development Services Inc.


Retain the Best, Challenge the Rest: How to Shake Up Your Organization in the Quest for Talent

Ambassador Underwood is currently the Managing Director and Lead Consultant for Underwood Talent Development Services Inc., specializing in talent development, executive and performance coaching, strategic planning and management, leadership development programme design and delivery, strategic human resource management and change management. She previously held the position of Regional Project Manager for the Caribbean Leadership Project (CLP), a project funded by the Canadian Government to support leadership development in the Caribbean which targeted through its leadership development programme, up to 250 senior officials in the public services of the twelve participating CARICOM countries as well as key regional institutions.

She holds a Master’s Degree in Health Services Administration from the George Washington University and an Executive Master’s degree in Business Administration from the Cave Hill School of Business, University of the West Indies. Professional designations held by Ms. Underwood include that of a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) from the US-based HR Certification Institute, the Society for Human Resource Management Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP), the title of Accredited Director (Acc.Dir.) conferred by the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators based in Canada and Master Trainer as designated by the Association for Talent Development (ATD). She is also a former member of the Human Resource Management Association of Barbados (HRMAB) and a honourary member of Human Resources Professionals of Antigua and Barbuda (HRPAB).